Pierrot 🎪
currently being lobotomized, please stand by
19, male (he/him), white.
DNI/BYF at the bottom of the page

(my beloved)
Current Interests:
Golden Kamuy
Favorite Characters:
(in no specific order)
Ogata, Boutarou, Edogai, Kirawus, Kadokura, Kikuta (GK)
Reigen (MP100)
Chrollo, Kite (HXH)
hardcore Reigen Arataka fucker 😎 I’m constantly tweeting and retweeting him, im very annoying. Sorry.

(i.e. you ship incest, pedophilia, or abuser/victim type shit. I don’t want to see anything of the sort even if it’s vague.)
If I suspect you of being proship I’ll unfollow no questions asked. If you notice I unfollowed and you are not proship please DM and let me know I was wrong!
(I don’t unfollow for any other reason)